Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Making money in the Summertime

I have found myself, as most educators find themselves from time to time, in need of supplemental income. No teacher chooses education to become wealthy and our summer schedule allows for time to explore ways to earn a few bucks. When perusing available opportunities the criteria I use is the following:

Flexibility: Summers are when I focus on my children and as they age I am needed less and less, but it becomes even more important for me to be there when I am needed. Often, I need to be in the apartment, and in the same room as the boys but do not necessarily need to be focused on them. Maybe they are reading, playing a game, or have a friend over. I am nearby, but have time to work from a computer. In addition, I may have an afternoon free when all three of them happen to have a summer activity at the same time. I need the work to be there when I want it, but never want to have to choose the work over my children.

Interest: If I am going to put my energy towards an activity or give something my attention, it has to interest me. Happily, my interests are broad and there are a few occasional activities that can work because they are so mindless that my attention can be placed somewhere else. For example, crocheting can be mindless at times, but I do it while I am watching a show, talking to a friend, or listening to a podcast. This keeps the activity interesting to me.

Profitable: Not all jobs pay the same, but profit can be an interesting concept. If I enjoy the activity, and were to be doing the activity regardless, the hourly wage can be less than minimum wage yet still be profitable. Crocheting is another great example of this. I love to do it and would be making things to give away to friends and family, so if someone wants to pay me a few bucks for something I made that is pure profit baby! However, for the most part I need to make enough from the job to make it worth doing. It is a delicate balance.

On the Up & Up: No scams, illegal activity, etc. But also, I do have to maintain my integrity. I am no longer interested in jobs that force me to hide my head in shame when discussing. Everyone has their own threshold for humiliating jobs, and while 'dog-walker', 'janitor' or 'babysitter' cause me no shame, 'telemarketer' does.

Using these criteria is not a science and at the end of the day I have to go with my gut. Here are some of the options I am currently working on, as well as some past winners. I will be making a post about each one over the next few days. Keep checking back!

  • Grant Writing
  • Transcribing audio files
  • Babysitting
  • Tutoring
  • Postmates - Walking

What is your favorite way to make money in the summertime? Or anytime!

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